Intern Extraordinaire

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Notes From My LIttle Red Book, Continued


The assembly operator I sat with (Jeff, nice guy) said that he had to set all color angles for “flexo angles.” He mentioned that the RIP (which is a software RIP, and is slow compared to our nice RIPs in lab (or maybe they aren’t—the files here are much larger, and even though the computers that run the ripping program look old (for computers). He rattled them off quickly, but I think they were 7, 22, 52, and 82. Does this seem right or wrong to anyone else?

Barco (Packedge 3.x. I am not sure of exact version number) can be used to make film that has colors w/multiple angles in various places in the file (i.e, having cyan at two different angles so as to prevent moiré where yellow overlaps maybe 2 or more different colors or patterns at different places on the film). These colors with multiple angles are originally sent to the Barco operator as multiple Photoshop files. The lpis are set differently in Barco so that the program does not merge and change the separately angled instances of the color. So: if cyan is set to 100 lpi, the second hit of cyan would be set at 101 lpi.

Barco operators place the CTs made by the Color group, UPCs, vector logos, and dyes. In my notes, I have CTs described as color-corrected files, usually for precise elements such as food, faces, logos, etc.

The Barco system (used for placement, stripping, step & repeat, and some trapping) is a PC running Windows XP, and has 2 GB of RAM with a 3.06 Xeon Processor.

Why are the angles different for flexo?
Why do the angles for flexo seem so random?


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