Intern Extraordinaire

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

In the Beginning...

For the past week and a half, I have been carrying around a little red flip-up notebook to take notes in. These first few posts will be basically me just writing out anything that I think might serve as helpful or interesting. The grammar probobly won't be very good, I'm going to copy them with minimal editing from what I have written down. I will try to keep personal comments to a minimum, but will try to throw them in for flavor in later posts ;)
"?" means I am not sure of whether the information is correct, but is surmised from conversational context.

Methods of transporting files to other plants being used at the Company:

  • MassTransit - Apparently a dedicated? connection to other Company locations for fast and secure transfer of files. Basically a corporate WAN setup. This is what is used by the preflight operators (aka the Mac department) to load fonts and images for the jobs we will be working on. (amusing note- I originally assumed MassTransit was a courier just hopping on a bus to deliver film or other materials to the platemaking plant downtown)

  • UPS - Used to send film, plates, and/or CDs.

  • FTP - Used frequently to share files with printers and the customers.

I sat down with each department (except for proofing) for half a day to watch someone in their group do what they do on a daily basis. Here are some of my notes from this experience. It was interesting to see what I do in lab seperated into clearly defined roles, and how these specialists do things differently (and far more quickly) than I do them.

Preflighting Department:

Get fonts and images (CTs) from MassTransit, copy to a folder on the desktop. Remove unnecessary layers and colors. Check the font specs and make sure that the regular and reverse-type do not go under certain limits, i.e., 8pt and 10 pt, respectively. The Mac operators ususally use the top part of the "o" to check the text in any given file. They zoom way into the file and use a ruler tool to check these measurements in Illustrator. Most of the computers used in this department are G3s. A proofreader is also housed in the Mac dept. (I was originally (before they figured out what they were going to do with me) supposed to spend my time with the proofreader, gathering printer specs (file requirements) from the miscelaneous places around the office they were hiding, such as previous jobs, notebooks, printouts, post-its, and hidden in employees' brains. I lucked out of this because I did not get a desk and a computer until yesterday, almost a week and a half after my arrival.) After making sure all of the files and fonts are in place, the folder is put on a local server and the job jacket (a numbered and dated plastic pouch that holds all the documents relating to the job) is placed on the wall in the main office area.


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