Miscellaneous Stuff
These notes are taken from what I have typed up after reviewing my little red notebook. After re-reading it right before I posted it, I realised some of the stuff is probobly confidential, so sorry about the cut-out bits... I'm sorry to say they were by far the most interesting parts.
Dry offset:
*Anilox should be a minimum of 4x the line ruling. For optimum results, have 5-6x the line ruling.
*Printers match to waterproofs, either digital or analog.
Waterproof- Analog
AQ4 - digital
These notes are taken from what I have typed up after reviewing my little red notebook. After re-reading it right before I posted it, I realised some of the stuff is probobly confidential, so sorry about the cut-out bits... I'm sorry to say they were by far the most interesting parts.
Dry offset:
- I had an interesting bit about vignettes here, but I don't think I'm allowed to talk abou this, as only one printer does it, and I don't think other printers have figured out how they do it.
- SGS is the first company to do direct-to-plate in a commercial setting.
- SGS is planning on being the first company in the US to... well, I'm not sure I'm allowed to talk about this.
- Packaging printing is moving to print facilities with 10+ color capabilities. Some in SGS think that printers without 10+ color units will (very soon) be forced to upgrade or be left behind, and lose large amounts of business. This is so packages can be more elaborate, and designers can be even more creative.
- Changing print order of inks:
Actual example of dog food bag: yellow went down first originally, had 80% coverage, and so the light brown that printed on top of it didn’t stick to paper well. The yellow gained too much(?). Image of dog ends up looking flat.
- When inks print physically on top of each other—what happens? How much does the viscosity, substrate, and process matter in this?
- What is cutback?
*Anilox should be a minimum of 4x the line ruling. For optimum results, have 5-6x the line ruling.
*Printers match to waterproofs, either digital or analog.
Waterproof- Analog
AQ4 - digital